Monday, January 27, 2014

18-Megan Woodrum

High school  bucketlist- Buy a car....that's about it.
College bucketlist- ummm just get through it
Life bucketlist- traveling especially in Europe, married, kids, house, sell a painting

I don't want to do anything really all that out of the ordinary in my life. Some major thins I want to do before I kick the bucket, right now all m teenage mind can focus on is getting my first car. I have a fair amount saved up and I'm just waiting for the right vehicle to come along. Besides that something I really want to do before I die is sell a painting. Not to like a family member or a friend, but to become good enough that a stranger will want to purchase one. Besides that I want to tour Europe mainly Italy and France, because I love their cultures. If I could choose a couple more countries I'd choose Britain, home to all of my favorite shows, and Germany, which is the country a lot oft family came from.

Assignment 18 - Jacquelyn Engel

I have a lot of things to do on my bucket list, but oddly, I can't think of any right now. The only ones that come to mind are rather boring. Boring but very well realistic. I want to make a life first, and then I can do whatever I want. 1) Choose a college. The whole process is tedious and frustrating. All in all, it ends up determining a good portion of my future. I want to make sure I choose the college that will be the best for me. 2) Find my major. I want to pick a major that I absolutely love which will result to a job that I love. Again, this will be my future, and I want it to be filled with something I enjoy doing, not something that feels like a task. 3) Fluently speak at least 3 languages. I love speaking and learning languages. It might take a while, but I think it’s worth it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Assignment 18-Eliot Smith

High school: 1.Finish with a 4.0
                   2. Improve at guitar
                   3. Go to the state championship in tennis

College: 1. Enjoy myself
             2. Graduate in the top 5% of my class
             3. Join a fraternity

Life: 1. Live one complete year of happiness
       2. Establish a massive meth empire that spans across the entirety of New Mexico
       3. Be a good father

4.0: I plan to do big things with my life.  I have no idea what those things are or what they concern, but I feel that whatever I plan to do can be facilitated by a top-tier education.  The real challenge here isn't the difficulty of the schoolwork, but rather my complete lack of motivation for almost anything besides what I enjoy.  Fingers crossed.

Enjoy myself: My prime focus for college is and will be to receive a great education, but I see college as the last real time to have fun in life.  This isn't to say that one can't have fun later in their life, but I'd really just like to have a good time and not completely obsess over schoolwork in my college years.

Year of happiness: I think everyone's eventual goal is to be happy, but life is not fully lived without the downs to balance the ups.  It is because of this that I would like to just live one full year of waking up and truly saying I'm completely happy with the way things are, and would want nothing to change.  This isn't to say I'm not currently happy; what is on my bucket list entails a time zero stress and natural ecstasy.  This probably sounds unreachable to many, and certainly sounds very improbable to most, but this is why it is such a far off goal: it will take years of preparation and concentration to achieve.

Assignment 18 - Hannah Pulley

As of now, my main goal for the rest of high school is to meet new people and spend time with the friends I've already made. I’m hoping this summer brings concerts, meetups and places to travel. Slightly more distant, I’m want to improve at playing guitar and become confident enough to play with other people, even if it’s messing around in some friend’s basement. While an education is still important to me, there’s always a nagging thought in the back of my head that I’m missing something, missing out on opportunities to learn how to make friends and stronger connection with people.

During college, I really want to learn a third language, or at least find an opportunity to use and improve my French.  I figure that I’ll need more experience to know exactly what I want to major in, what I want to for the rest of my life. It’s going to be a lot of work, but so many people tell me that the time will be gone before I know it.

It might not be until after college that I have the money or the means to travel, but there’s a list of places that I wish I could see far too long to list here. I don’t have a set list of things that I must do, but I hope to live simply and always be expanding my mind and experiences. 

Assignment 18 - Katy

1) For high school, my bucket list includes recreational things like going to prom at least twice, going to most (if not all) of the home football games, and go somewhere fun with a best friend. However, a more prioritized aspect of my bucket list for high school is my academic work. I would like to have two more semesters of high school with all A's. I managed to do this both semesters Sophomore year and came close my first semester Junior year. All A's signals that I take my classes seriously and I put forth the effort necessary to get a good grade. Good grades signal to colleges that I'm serious about school and I want to be accepted, which is ultimately a main goal.

2) Obviously for college I want to have some fun as well. Maybe go to the football games, basketball games, go on a vacation with friends. But most importantly, I want to figure out what I want to major in. I want to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. So on my bucket list for college, I want to select a career that I am serious about and love doing. I realize how hard of a task this is.

3) For life, I don't usually think of myself as very adventurous, but I would like to travel. I want to visit Australia, even if it does take a full 24 hours to get there. I would like to go on a cruise and hopefully face my fear of claustrophobia. I'd also like to visit Europe and the many amazing countries it encompasses. Italy, France, Spain, etc. But, if I never travel to these places or get the opportunity to do them, I still want to be successful in my career path. I want to be able to go to work and enjoy what I do, and then come home to my family. A simple goal in life, but an important one at that.

Assignment 18- Isaac

1. My number one priority on my high school bucket list is to learn how to play an instrument. Listening to music is a tremendous part of my life and I think learning how to play an instrument will enhance that as well as open me up to new activities and opportunities.

2. As for college, I would like to have some semblance of where I'm going after I graduate, so my number one priority on that list would be to have an internship which will give me experience in the field I want to work in as well as give me job opportunities.

3. My actual bucket list is more complex to talk about than those for high school or college. I don't know how long I'll live and I don't know what will change about myself and the world around me before I die- in 3 years the number one item on my bucket list could be something that I can't currently fathom because the technology allowing for the possibility to enter my list has not yet been invented. However, I'd like to think that my number one item on my bucket list will always be to relax more. I tend to be very anxious and when I'm relaxed I become a kinder more pleasant person. I want to be kind and pleasant more often, so I need to relax more often

*As a side note, if you ever need to relax and you're having trouble try to remember this quote from Dan Harmon. It's one of my favorites: "Nothing you do matters as much as you think. Your greatest achievements aren't yours at all, they're accidents and jokes. You're a puppet, the universe does the work, and it gets the most done when you're moving the least. Surrender, flow, relax. Don't be hard on yourself, don't put pressure on yourself, life is just a chain of experiments and results, and you'll be perfect when you're dead."

Assignment 18 Schuler Ravencraft

I've thought the idea of a bucket list through for a long time. It's been modified through out the years but many of my goals have never changed. For high school I'd have to say on the top of my list would be to win tennis region with my doubles partner since 8th grade. We've talked about this ever since we started and it would be amazing if we could actually achieve this dream. For college I hope to make new friends and experience new things on my own. I hope to get some kind of cool internship maybe with a music management company or something similar. On top of my list I want go to Africa and do volunteer work with a tribe. Ever since freshman year I have always said I'd do this. Trying to find the top I'd like to achieve by the end of my life is hard. My number one is definitely to be married and have a family and hopefully have a successful job. My top places I'd hope to travel would have to be Australia, India, Greece and the Maldives. Since I was little I also said I wanted to go to all four Grand Slam tennis tournaments and go scuba diving in Australia. I know this is a lot but hopefully I'll be able to mark some of these off my list someday!

Most of the advice we receive in our lives is unsolicited and quite frankly inane.  However, every once in a while we get a real gem and changes our trajectory.  What is the one piece of advice given to you that has stuck?  Explain its effect.

(Prompt inspired by Mary Austin)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, February 9th at 11:59 pm

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Julian P. (Assignment 18)- Buckets With Holes Will Barely Help

By the end of high school, #1 on my bucket list is to figure out what I want to do with my life. I can't strive for wants until I take care of my needs. From where I'm standing, high school is a time to plan out your life, not imagine a better one. As my greatest hero (the brilliantly talented rap artist called Drake) once said, "Started from the bottom, now we're here." You can't go anywhere in life without a solid foundation. 

Before finishing college, I've easily determined that I want to travel. Making it even easier is the fact that I really don't care where. I feel the desire to see, to experience, and to live while I'm most able. If not by the end of college, I'll push it back. I might never get to, but it'll be on my list always. 

Even if I do get to travel, I can never take it off my bucket list. I can't imagine ever not wanting to travel, so I must strive for it again and again. More importantly, however, I strive to find happiness before I die. Indeed, happiness  appears a very vague item, but the end is inherently vague. I never want to stop living or loving. I love life. Lovely life isn't long; It doesn't last. Luckily, life seems longer the more you love it. Strive to live life, learn it in and out, and life will still be lovely tomorrow.

If I stop living life the way I'd like, if I stop striving for my bucket list, and if I only think of my life as a list to mark a line through piece by piece so I can die in peace, well I'm gonna have a sad life. I cannot deny this. Life is to be lived, loved, and learned from, sure, but sometimes you need to just let go and allow life to guide you. You can't plan out happiness. 

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets

Welcome to your first blog prompt for 2013! Yay!

A bucket list is a list of everything you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. That doesn't mean you can't have such a list for specific aspects of your life as well.

To begin the year, generate your own bucket lists - one for high school, one for college, and one for life. Then, write about the priority on each list.
  1. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish high school?
  2. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish college?
  3. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish living?
(This blog is inspired by Axel Liimatta - former academy teacher - my friend and former colleague that inspires me to live every day more fully)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, January 26 at 11:59 pm

Assignment 18 Siobhan

I love the idea of a bucket list. Once you mark something off of the list it's hard to imagine how you pictured it would be like before you did it. It's like imagining how your first day at a new school might be like. After your first day is finished it immediately changes your perseption of what you originally dreamt up. 
I want to go to two more countries by the time I finish high school. My experiences of visiting other countries has been memorable and sentimental and I would love to keep experiencing those moments. I have plans to visit Honduras over the summer on a mission trip. 
Before college is over I want to intern with a designer or a buyer. Going into fashion merchandising is something that I recently discovered would be an awesome major for me. I have the ambition needed to go somewhere in the fashion business and internships will get me on the path to success. 
Before I die I want to correct all the wrongs I have done to others. I want to make things right with everyone. I want to leave this earth as a better place than before.

Assignment 18- Sepehr

High school: -dunk on a 10 feet goal
-Do a cool senior prank
-Go to Europe(which I'm doing this summer)
-Make new friends

College: -Figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life
-Go on road trips
-Go to parties
-Go to all the basketball games
-Get some sleep

End of life: -Travel the world
-Find the love of my life
-Learn to play an instrument(s)
-Ride a tiger
-Be a pro at pick up basketball games

The one thing I want to do before I finish high school is to dunk on a ten foot goal. I love and live basketball, and the only skill I don have is to dunk, so before I finish high school I want to be able to dunk on a ten foot goal.

The one thing I want to do before I graduate from college is to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. I don't want to be confused on what I want to do with my life after college, I want to have a plan.

The one thing I want to do before I finish living is to find the love of my life, because in my opinion you haven't really experienced life to the fullest if you haven't found that one person that you love to death, the person who you would do anything for.

Assignment 18-Garrett Uebelhor

High school-
-Go on a roadtrip with friends
-Skip school
-Do a senior prank
-Go to senior prom
-Travel to europe

- Go to party
- Procrastinate to a point where i have to pull an all nighter
- Go to school football and basketball game
- Go sky diving
- Become a responsible independent person

- Drive the autobahn
- Fall in love
- Travel to south america, asia, europe, africa,     and australia
- Deep sea snorkel
- Swim with dolphins
- climb a decent sized mountain
- bungee jump
- Go up in a hot air balloon

1) The number one thing I want to accomplish before  highschool is over is to go on a road trip with friends. I thinks its a experience i should have before i have the responsibility and obligations of adult living.

2) Before I graduate college I would like to go skydiving. I want to do this before I am older and not in my prime.  I think a adventure activity like this where you really get the adrenaline rush of feeling like you are going to die is crucial to living your life to the fullest.

3) Before I die the most important thing to me is falling in love. I think caring about someone to a point where you put their needs above your own is one of the most satisfying experiences in life.  To me no one can say they have lived until they have fallen in love.

Assignment 18- Thomas

The one thing I want to accomplish before graduating high school is to find a new hobby. Whether it is another sport, music, or some other pastime, I would like to find something else I am passionate about besides soccer. I want to pick guitar back up, and actually earn about notes and scales and official lingo rather than hearing a song and trying to play it by ear. 

Travel heads my bucket list for college. One year (probably just before or right after college), I want to go across the United States or to Europe and explore. There is so much more to see in this world than just Lexington and wherever I end up and college, and I hope that I get the chance to see some of what the world has to offer. Seeing different cultures and having that experience will give me a better idea of what life is like outside the bluegrass bubble and I will have fun doing so.

At the top of my life bucket list is to move to a small town in Colorado or Utah and live the mountain life with my family. The serenity and kindness of the people there are some main things that draw me to it, but overall the active lifestyle and exquisite terrain lead me to believe that it is the perfect place to raise a family.